Thursday, September 3, 2009

Even Robots Want Love: Day 3

Culinary differences:

I discovered the most delicious juice today: Sun-Rype Apple Vanilla Pear. Sounds epic right? It totally is. It's 100% juice (from concentrate- so not really 100% but it's okay) no sugar added. It's really effing good. Anyone else heard of this stuff? I bought it at a teeny tiny grocery store at the entrance of campus- along with this great cereal called Shreddies by Post. I got the Honey flavor and O.M.G! Soooo effing good. I think it's the honey flavor that gets me. I can't wait to have a proper bowl with some soy milk I purchased. More grocery shopping tomorrow- hopefully, as it is filled with GALA events.

Another interesting thing I ate today: a slice of pizza with butternut squash on it. Yes- butternut squash, tomatoes and onion (The butternut squash reminded me of Randall). It had a white sauce and sesame seeds on the crust which gave the bread a fantastic flavor.  I would never have thought to do that. And it was really good. The dough is really good as well. 

GALA (Growing And Learning Abroad) Adventures:

I went to a workshop called Cruising Through Your University Life where they talked about various aspects of student life- such as insurance, banking, resources, and the stages of travel abroad. Similar to the stages of grief there are four anticipated stages of traveling abroad: Honeymoon, resentment, reconciliation, and embracing it (or something like that). I'm not sure what stage I'm in. I don't feel like I'm in the Honeymoon stage...although I do like it here and I did experience some resentment today and a bit of reconciliation as I become more familiar with the campus and am able to better navigate it. But I felt a little misplaced because a lot of students have made buddies with other students and I'm still flying a little solo. It only bothers me when I'm in a group like that. But I triumphed over that feeling.

Later I attended the Welcome GALA where the president of the college spoke. I was late- so I had to stand out in the lobby during his speech (which I was able to listen to) while I waited to be seated in this BEAUTIFUL theater.  It's called the Chen Center for The Performing Arts and this picture is a 100% accurate representation of where it was I was forced to sit as a result of my tardiness (it wasn't a punishment- just where they stuck me-but check out the view).
Now, while it is incredibly beautiful- sitting in this spot makes for SHIT acoustics. Acoustics are good everywhere else in the theater- I'm certain of it and I heard confirmation of this from people who were sitting in the other the parts of the theater. But it was pretty. They had speeches and some "man of the minute in Vancouver" musical act between the speeches. The musical act gave an awesome performance and the last song they sang required a sing-a-long where one of the lines was the title of this day's blog. But I couldn't tell you the artist's name because I couldn't understand it whenever it was announced. However if I picked up any local music publication I'm certain I could find it.

After the welcome GALA I met with my group to meet other students. Trouble with this was that my group assignment was on my nametag- at my apartment- at the other end of campus. So I raced home- picked it up- raced back and was slightly late so I missed one of the first ice breaker activities. But that's  okay- I participated in the next two. It was fun. I met a girl named Jillie who is from England- she studies Literature at The University of East Anglea and she likes Legos and play-doh. After this activity- the group wandered over to a carnival.

I had to leave the group/carnival to keep an appointment but returned as they were packing up which was kind of a bummer but that's how I got the butternut squash pizza and met a young man from Hartfordshire England- named Mark who has red-ish hair. Mark studies economics. He was very pleasant to chat with. He reminded me a little bit of Tom. But he didn't stay long.

Orienting Myself Further

After pizza, Mark and reading a local news publication (I think they're called newspapers- maybe you've heard of them *wink*) I wandered over to the Birdcoop which is the gym on campus to get info on signing up. $124 for three months and that gets me access to the gym anytime it's open (this includes the climbing cave) and access to classes that they offer. I'm bummed that the cardio kickboxing (called Cardio Core Strength) class is during my regular class but they offer all kinds of other good classes such as: Butts and Guts, Step Interval, Abs, Strength And Stretch, Movie it Burn It. The gym also offers spin classes such as: Hot Wheels, Hot Wheels Express and Hot Wheels Sprint. Classes are first come-first serve sign up so I have to get there early however- the upside is that given the location of the gym if I get there and any of the classes are full I'll just work out because I'll be there already. Who knows I may try a spin class.

While at the gym I ran into two guys from my GALA group: Joseph and Seo. They were with two other exchange students from their home University in Korea- Andreai and Meioki. Meoki and Seo are here studying business, Joseph is here studying economics (he is also living at the same residence as Mark so I told him about him...just in case) and I can't remember what Andreai was studying but she wants to take a salsa class through the Rec center. I told her "the trick to salsa is small steps." They asked questions about my major- "what do you study in Women's studies?" and Andreai is taking Women, Sex and Gender while here at UBC. I am excited for her. I always like when people take Women's study courses.

So now I'm back at home...and kicking myself a bit for not taking my camera with me today. Perhaps tomorrow I will remember.

I am quite tired as it was a bit of an emotionally exhausting day for several reasons which were corrected via crying and reaching out to friends for support.  AND at 3am I was awakened by thunder and lightening. I opened my window to listen to the sound of rain- it was incredibly pleasant but that disruption of sleep for several hours after the fact has left me quite taxed. I contemplated purchasing earplugs today while I was out shopping but decided against it. However I am re-considering given the fact that when the chair upstairs is being dragged across their kitchen floor I think someone is in my apartment.

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