Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Vancouver: Day 1 in 5 photos or less

My new residence hall. I'm on the fourth floor so you can't see it from this angle. It's seventeen stories high but across the street (where I am standing) is the top of the forest covered cliff that goes down the the beach that is clothing optional. *wink*
I'm standing on Canadian soil (and I'm punny). The water wasn't as cold as Santa Cruz....not sure what that's aboot.
This is my backyard beach. Jealous? I would be if I wasn't me. ;-)

 pretty mountains.

 Sunset. It was really beautiful.
Highlights of the day:
  • I got on the plane out of Seattle- but my luggage didn't. So I arrived at UBC without my luggage. But smart me packed some undies and a clean shirt and some socks and p.j.'s in my carry on so I wasn't without. I did have to stop off at London Drug (Like a Longs or Walgreens) to buy some travel size toiletries. Didn't go overboard because I suspected my luggage would arrive soon.
  • Arrived to UBC via train and bus and then got to my residence with the assistance of a young man named Andrew and got checked into my flat. It's large. And I thought there were people already here because the place was such a wreck- turns out it was the summer tenants. So I'm alone until this weekend.
  • Was feeling a bit sorry for myself and craving a material comfort from home (it was at this moment I regretted giving Kayla Obama The Bear) so I took my web-book to the student commonblock for my residence to take advantage of the wireless and find people online to chat to. It was here that I learned of a nudie beach (called Wreck beach) that was just across the street via a conversation between two young men (it made me giggle out loud and they got slightly embarrassed but I told them that the question of nudity was an important question). Decided to go exploring because sitting inside wasn't going to help me much.
  • Down to the beach for some photos and hanging out with myself. The ocean is rejuvenating and the several hundred stairs back up certainly helped me get some cardio in.
  • Off to find food. I run into the same two guys from the commonblock lounge who were also looking for food so I joined them and we walked pretty far and made several unsuccessful attempts to obtain food at various eateries around campus (it was near eight p.m. so many of them were closed). Finally went to a food court at the entrance of campus. Their names are Paul and Abdul and both are business majors with a concentration in finance. They had all kinds of questions for me about feminism...I didn't have any for them about business or finance *blush* But they were nice. Paul lives in the next building over so maybe I'll see him again. 
  • True story: Abdul said he was going to take a women's study course to meet women...but heard a bunch of other guys were going to do it so he decided not to. HA! 
  • shower and then to bed. The university provides a pillow and mattress pad which I was so grateful for. About three a.m. I used the mattress pad as a blanket- those things are surprisingly warm.

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